Commercial Real Estate Underwriting & Advisory

CRE Underwriting

Hire for any Commercial Real Estate Underwriting Needs.

Our team provides institutional quality financial modeling for Mixed-Use, Office, Multifamily, and Ground-up Development projects. Our financial analysists will also underwrite student housing and senior housing. Our expertise is relied upon by trusted by national acquisition teams, brokers, and lenders alike: any project and any role.

Real Estate Underwriting Financial Modeling
Real Estate Underwriting Financial Modeling
Real Estate Underwriting Financial Modeling

Hire our team for the following roles

- Commercial Real Estate Underwriter
- Financial Modeler
- Property Accounting
- Market Researcher
- Offer Memorandum Presentation Designer
- Financial Analyst
- Marketing & Design
- Investor Relations

CRE Shopping Center Underwriting


Our office has underwritten over $5BB
in Mixed-Use, Office, Multifamily, Ground-up Development, Industrial, Hotel, and Storage projects

Financial Due Diligence

Why hire our Financial Modeling Team to Underwrite Your Next commercial real estate acquisition?

With experience working with top firms, we can assist with the following: 

  • Profit and Loss (P&L) to compare seller numbers vs. your numbers
  • View 1-10 Year Hold Rate with Income/Expenses
  • Get a solid understanding of your project’s Debt Service Coverage Ratio
  • Estimate Cash Flow After Debt Service
  • Calculate Cash on Cash Return
  • Evaluate Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  • Set up Distributions to managers and investors
  • Discounted Cash Flow
  • 1-10 Year Sensitivity Analysis with IRR for 5 & 10 Years
  • Estimate the future property value
  • Conduct Valuation
  • Entry and Exit CAP Rate


Commercial Real Estate Financial Modeling

  • Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Leveraged Buyout (LBO), Net Asset Value (NAV), P/NAV, P/CF, Total Acquisition Cost (TAC), and deal structuring
  • Help you assess current + future cash flows to determine the ideal debt structure and downpayment
  • Help you structure deals using debt tranches, depreciation schedules
  • Multiple scenarios for exit EBITDA multiples
  • Determine exit value and IRR scenarios
  • Determine asset value and purchase price
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Multi-Family Underwriting and Financial projections. Custom Financial Modeling Available.



$ 385
Starting At
  • 3 Business Day Turnaround
  • Suited for Single Family, Duplex or Triplex
  • Most Metrics Calculated
  • Discounted Cash Flow Valuation
  • Annual Cash Flows



$ 550
Starting At
  • 3 Business Day Turnaround
  • Mixed Use, Large Multi-Family, Industrial
  • All Metrics Calculated
  • CAP & DCF Valuation
  • Monthly Cash Flows



$ 695
Starting At
  • 3 Business Day Turnaround
  • Mixed Use, Large Multi-Family, Industrial
  • All Metrics Calculated
  • CAP & DCF Valuation
  • Monthly Cash Flows

We help you seize the right opportunity to significantly grow your business.

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